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This article about whether you can rent out your car space or storage space in QLD has been answered by Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal.
Can I rent out half of my secure, two-car garage space to an on-site resident. There is a real shortage of car parking spaces in the building and area generally. I have been told that the Brisbane City Council says this is illegal for insurance reasons but cannot find information referring to this.
Also, do I need to notify the committee or seek permission to rent out my car parking space or storage space?
It will depend on the town plan, but my understanding has been that as long as it is to another resident in the building then it is usually not a breach of the town plan.
After that, it is not normally within the scope of the committee to address what an owner does with their private car space, provided that it is within the confines of the by-law granting that right. So, for example, if the by-law says it can be used for parking only, then it can’t be used for storage.
I am an Owner Occupier in a Queensland strata building. I have one car park and a neighbouring lot owner in the same Building has two car parks. His unit is in the Holiday Pool. As we have two cars, we have a private arrangement where I park in his car park spaces and my car park is available for his Holidaying residents.
Does the Body Corporate or Manager have the right to make us park in our own car park?
Frank Higginson
Hynes Legal
This article has been republished with permission from the author and first appeared on the LookUpStrata website.